What we offer

We come to you: your home, office or your apartment building gym.

 Love and passion for what we do drives our relationship with you. The quality of service we provide is unparalleled. We provide support through the whole process of transforming your lifestyle.

Personal Training Programs

Customized special fitness plan designed specifically for you and your goals. This will be the fastest way to achieve maximum results, measure progress and keep you accountable in the process. We all need an extra push in order to move forward. We use heart rate monitors to track your heart, not guess work.

Combat Fit Programs

Have you seen the body of a mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter? Have you seen their level of conditioning and the definition of their abs? You probably wonder what routine they follow and how are they able to achieve that? We can guide you in achieving similar results with our Combat Fit program.


Self-defense classes will give you the ability to protect yourself and overcome an attacker.Training in self defense helps people, especially women, develop more confidence in themselves and their surroundings. ¡An intense warmup to get your adrenaline pumping, followed by a variety of fitness techniques!

Personal Fitness Chef Services
(we cook for you)

Are you tired of eating the same meals? We can help you with our personal fitness chef service. We can cook tasty and healthy meals for you. This will guarantee that you will eat the right food and your body will receive the right nutrients to recover from your workouts.

Nutrition Advising

We all have heard the popular saying, “You are what you eat,” and this is so true. No matter how many hours you spend at the gym, you can’t outwork a bad diet. Our bodies are the only possession we will ever have. The way we treat them will determine in many ways our quality of life. We believe that we should give our bodies the best source of food available. Nourish your body properly, and it will bloom like a beautiful flower.

Dimitar Pavlov (Founder)

“I want to leave the world better than I found it”

Dimitar Pavlov, president of FitSculptors, was born in Bulgaria and grew up with the love and spirit of sports. Like a true Bulgarian he started with weight lifting techniques at age of 10, following in the footsteps of legendary Bulgarian weight lifters and gold medalists.

Do you have question? Click to contact us

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FitSculptors is not there just to help you count repetitions or show you the right forms of exercise. We want to help you improve your quality of life. We provide support through the whole process of transforming your lifestyle.



They decided to transform their live style.

The service is total outstanding. He’s very professional and focused in your needs. No regrets… best results ever!
Alex V.
Computer Analist
The best at what he does. Fit sculptors lives, breathes, and eats fitness. Not “feeling it” today? Just wait till you get a random text mid morning with just the inspiration you need.
Liza C.
Dimitar is the best instructor. He gave me the strength and courage to achieve my goal in life and health. Because of him i feel stronger than ever. He is good friend and the best teacher in my life. Thank you for everything my friend 🙂
Aleksandar G.